July 15, 2014 – E&Y Scholarship Winner Donte’ Watkins & Local Market Launch Brian Coryat

July 15, 2014 – E&Y Scholarship Winner Donte’ Watkins & Local Market Launch Brian Coryat

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Donte’ Watkins – Director and Lead Tutor at Second Chance Tutoring  – Highlight Here

Donte’ Watkins recently won the E&Y Scholarship Award for his efforts to help other kids learn math. He started Second Chance Tutoring after realizing that kids could teach other kids. As a 7th grader, Donte’ built a $100 a day business selling individual candy pieces to middle school kids. $100 a day!! Donte’ hopes his peer-to-peer tutoring model will take off across the country. He is also active in Tucker High School’s ROTC unit, is the Future Business Leaders of America chapter President, and he participates in the Youth Entrepreneurs GA program.

Brian Coryat – Founder and CEO at Local Market Launch  – Highlight Here

Brian Coryat has been a force in the internet since Al invented it. He and his wife created a catalog called “Home Business Solutions.” It sold home based businesses books and was started for $200 dollars and he grew it to about $5000 per month! He saw how the internet could save his printing costs so built one of the very first paid directory listing services on the Internet. ValueClick grew from this and was listed on NASDAQ. He is now running a company called Local Market Launch to deliver local presence solutions for national brands. He was Winner of the first Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award for E-Commerce.


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