Media Training

Media Training


I have been interviewed about 300 times and I have interviewed over 4500 people. Interviewees that have media training stick out. It is obvious. They are better guests!


Every guest needs media training.

Beginners can be great guests.

Really good guests can be great guests.

Great guests got training somewhere else!



The test to determine if someone needs media training is simple…..

Does the guest have a clear sentence (thesis) that they
want the audience to remember?

Does the guest have 3 cute, fun, memorable, unique,
honest stories to prove that thesis?

Can the guest “Go” with no host help and talk for 6 minutes
telling their story in a structured way?

Does the guest have a gift or takeaway for the audience
to trade for email addresses?

If the answer to any of these is “No,” you need training. With me.


The skills we will work on …..

Voice Skills – Speed, Tone, Emphasis, Volume

The Face – People can hear your face (no typo there).

Body – YES, they CAN see your body on the radio (again, no typo).

Content – Outline, Thesis, Assumed Questions, Planned Answers,
Great Stories, Call to Action

  Confidence! – Know what your plan is and how to execute it! 


4 Hours Together …..

Our time is designed to make you comfortable being interviewed. You should know what to expect and how make ourself look great. We will make

– An initial interview for base line comparisons,

– A discussion of thesis,

– Creation of possible questions and answers list,

– Curating 3-5 stories that reinforce the thesis,

– Practice,

– An initial interview for base line comparisons.


Free Tip …..

One of my favorite lines…. “Let me tell you a story from my book.” This line helps sell the book and leads to the best podcast/radio there is, stories!


And Don’t Say This …..

The thing I hate the most to hear from a guest is…. “As I said earlier…” In other words, your questions aren’t very good.


Hire Me …..

Please contact your publicist to arrange some training. If you don’t have a publicist, contact me at jim at schoolforstartupsradio dot com for pricing.