19 Apr April 19, 2024 – New American Dreamer Steven Andrews and Superpower Storytelling Stephen Steers
Steven Andrews – Real Estate Investor and Coach and Author of

Steven Andrews
Steven Andrews remembers how hard it was to overcome his own doubts and insecurities in the beginning of his investment career, Steven Andrews is now on a mission to empower others to achieve their own goals in real estate. Coming out of college, Steven was $75,000 in debt and making $45,000 a year. Circling back to the dream he once had while studying at High Point University, Steven used a credit card to fund his first rental property. Within nine years, Steven went from buying properties to supplement his income to pursuing real estate full-time. Today, he owns and manages hundreds of properties through his virtual property management company, Realty Management Group. In addition to writing, The New American Dream: A Simple Roadmap to Purchasing Investment Properties, Steven established SOARX Consulting, where he provides an eleven-week course outlining the same process he used to create his rental property company. The program, like the book, offers a roadmap to finding the kind of success Steven has in the business called real estate.

Stephen Steers
Stephen Steers is an author, consultant, standup comedian and speaker with a unique mix of storytelling as it relates to sales. As a consultant and keynote speaker, Stephen has advised more than 750 companies from 30 countries. Including teams from Google, Nike, HEC Paris Business School and Entrepreneurs Organization. Stephen’s philosophy is the following: forget everything you think you know about sales and leadership. Effective sales and leadership are about listening, learning and connecting through stories. Stories close the sale, never the conversation.