September 27, 2013 – Esteemed Dr. Joyce & Advocate Marty Keller

September 27, 2013 – Esteemed Dr. Joyce & Advocate Marty Keller

Will Broadcast September 27, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio

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Dr. Joyce Knudsen – The ImageMaker 

We are excited to welcome Dr. Joyce back to the show for third time! She is an expert on everything having to do with self-image and self-esteem, and she certainly has the resume to prove it. With a Masters in business administration marketing and a PhD in human services with an emphasis in self-image, there’s no better person to have on the air talk about your self-esteem as the owner of the business. She is a 2001 IMMIE winner and has obtained a First AICI master status from the association of image consultants. She also fits the entrepreneur bill. As founder, owner, and CEO of ImageMaker Inc., she helps thousands in both the professional and personal arena to maximize their potential. We have her on for some self-esteem freebies, so be sure not to miss out! Check out her new YouTube Channel here.


Marty Keller-Principal at Keller and Associates and CEO of the Small Business Revolution
Marty Keller, Principal at Keller and Associates, started a movement in August of 2011 called the Small Business Revolution, aiming to promote and lobby for a California legislature that creates a legal environment for small businesses to thrive in. From this effort, Keller and Associates was born. This company consults on matters of economic development, international trade, and small business. We have Marty on to give us a bird’s eye view from an ex-bureaucrat. This episode may help you steer the masts of your small business in the right direction, so don’t miss out!

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