17 Jul July 17, 2015 – Investor’s Crowdfunding Zack Miller & Accelerated Startup Vitaly Golomb
Zack Miller is a business developer, content strategist, product marketer, and content marketing pro. Zack received his MBA from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management and his BA in Economics from Harvard. He’s held senior leadership positions and consulted to some of the top next-generation finance sites including Seeking Alpha, Lending Club, LearnVest, Wall Street Survivor, Covestor, and SigFig. Zack began his career in finance as an equities analyst at a multinational hedgefund. He’s also the author of “Tradestream your Way to Profits: Building a Killer Portfolio in the Age of Social Media” and runs the popular investing website Tradestreaming.com. OurCrowd is an equity-based crowdfunding platform, built exclusively for a select group of accredited investors to provide venture capital funding for Israeli (and later global) venture capital start-ups. Membership in the community is vetted and offered only to people who meet the stringent accreditation criteria. Accredited investors who are accepted into the community can make minimum investments of $10,000 per deal. The initial focus of OurCrowd is the dynamic early stage funding market in Israel and only companies that have passed a rigorous due diligence process will be added to the platform.
Vitaly Golomb – CEO of Keen, General Partner of the CCC Fund, Mentor at 500 Startups, Author, and Keynote Speaker
Vitaly M. Golomb is the CEO of Keen Systems and the General Partner of CCC Startups. He is also an award-winning designer, author, and keynote speaker. A Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, Vitaly grew up in Cupertino and has been involved with startups since his teenage years. He has founded and exited multiple companies and raised millions in venture capital. He holds a degree in Computer and Video Imaging and has guest lectured at Stanford, UC Berkeley and other universities around the world on entrepreneurship, innovation, and design. Vitaly is passionate about improving society by nurturing entrepreneurship around the world. He has guest written articles for TechCrunch and other publications and has been a consistently top-ranked mentor at a number of startup accelerator programs in US and Europe, including 500 Startups. He travels to over 20 countries every year as a sought-after speaker at conferences and events. He consults and teaches workshops to the next generation of entrepreneurs, as well as enterprises and governments seeking to foster innovation. His new book, Accelerated Startup – The New Business School, is the Pocket MBA for the 21st century. He is the Director and Executive Producer of “Startup Spring – How Middle East Tech Entrepreneurs are Rewriting Their Future,” a feature length documentary shot during the Startup AddVenture Middle East tour.