01 Aug August 2, 2019 – Floodgate’s Iris Choi and Email Faster Dianna Booher
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Iris Choi – Partner at Floodgate
What is your dashboard going to look like? How are you going to keep you honest as to whether you are busy to keep busy or you are making meaningful progress.
Iris Choi is a partner at Floodgate, an established seed stage VC firm founded a decade ago by Mike Maples Jr. and Ann Miura-Ko. Floodgate makes early investments in tide turning companies like Lyft, Twitter, Okta, TaskRabbit, Refinery29 and others. Formerly a Goldman investment banker, Iris brings her unique brand of strategic rigor to portfolio companies and Floodgate. Her prior work included more than a decade working on M&A deals and getting companies ready for IPO, which informs her work as the Floodgate financial and exits strategist; she sits at the intersection of VC and PE, and ensures optimal returns for LPs! Iris oversees Floodgate’s follow-on investing, managing one-third of the company’s total fund. She assists in several areas, including business development, partnerships and financings. Iris also cultivates relationships with companies in the technology space to aid Floodgate’s knowledge of and insight into the industry. Iris is on the board of several companies, including TouchofModern, MangoHealth, Sharethrough, Maker Media, Nirvana and Business Connect China.
Dianna Booher – Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Bestselling author of Faster, Fewer, Better Emails: Manage the Volume, Reduce the Stress, Love the Results and Executive Presence Expert
A lot of people create their own clutter,
because of their bad email habits.
Dianna Booher is a sought-after coach, trainer, and speaker on workplace communication; she has offered her insight to programs as like Good Morning America, Wall Street Journal, NPR, Forbes FOX, CNN, and many more. She trains offices and coach leaders to improve their communication’s effectiveness and to enable leaders to project strong executive presence. Dianna has authored 48 books, all published by major publishing houses, in 61 different languages. Her work has been adapted into audio, video, DVD, and online training programs by PBS, SkillSoft, ModelOffice, Audible, and others. She offers authoritative expertise on leadership communication, executive presence, sales presentations, business writing, and book publishing.