07 Jan January 10, 2017- Texas Tenacity Susan Combs & All In Stephanie Breedlove
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Susan Combs – Founder of HERdacity and Author of Texas Tenacity: A Call for Women to Direct Their Destiny
Susan Combs has spent her adult life blazing trails previously little traveled by women. With a matter-of-fact nature shaped by time on her family’s Texas ranch, Susan tackled her years at the all-female Vassar College in a decidedly straightforward fashion. Upon graduation, she worked in high-pressure environments in New York—specifically in international advertising on Wall Street and for a large federal agency, creating a record of success. In time, she followed her heart back to Texas and law school, and then embarked on a career as a prosecutor focused on securing justice for victims of child abuse. At a friend’s urging, she ran for and won a seat in the Texas House of Representatives where she continued her advocacy for Texas children and mastering the budgeting process. She was also running a cow-calf operation on her family’s century-old ranch in the Big Bend. Heeding the call to higher office, she was elected the first woman Agriculture Commissioner in Texas history and won praise for her efforts to improve nutrition for Texas schoolchildren. She was then elected State Comptroller, where she applied laser focus to keep Texas finances in line, meticulously collecting taxes and paying bills. She advocated tirelessly for greater transparency to ensure the most honest government possible for her fellow Texans. Since leaving elected office, Susan has been working on HERdacity, an online empowerment community for women, designed to help them stay connected as they blaze their own trails in business, at home and in the fields of their choosing.
Stephanie Breedlove – Co-Founder of Care.com HomePay and Author of All In: How Women Entrepreneurs Can Think Bigger, Build Sustainable Businesses, and Change the World
Stephanie Breedlove has been walking the walk of a successful entrepreneur for over 20 years. After launching a career in corporate America with Accenture, she found her true calling as co-founder of a start-up that grew to national leadership and continues to grow in value and impact. Stephanie is co-founder of Care.com HomePay (formerly Breedlove & Associates), the nation’s leading full-service firm dedicated to making household employment payroll and tax compliance easy for busy families and their caregivers. In 2012, her firm joined forces with Care.com, the largest online marketplace for finding in-home care. It was a perfect match, growing the ease of finding valuable resources for families with in-home care. Stephanie and her husband/co-founder self-funded their entrepreneurial endeavor and had no experience running a business. During the journey of building a company, she also built a life that strives to integrate family and business as compliments not competitors to one another.