07 Jan January 9, 2017 – Money Answers Jordan Goodman, CES Sarah Evans, 7th Grader Emmalia
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Jordan Goodman – America’s Money Answers Man at Jordan Goodman Financial Communications & Author of Fast Profits In Hard Times
Jordan E. Goodman is “America’s Money Answers Man” and a nationally-recognized expert on personal finance. He is a regular guest on numerous radio and television call-in shows across the country, answering questions on personal financial topics. He appears frequently on The View, Fox News Network, Fox Business Network, CNN, CNBC and CBS evening news. For 18 years, Jordan was on the editorial staff of Money magazine, where he served as Wall Street Correspondent. In addition, he served as weekly financial analyst on NBC News at Sunrise for 9 years and the daily business news commentator on Mutual Broadcasting System’s America in the Morning show for 8 years. He is the author or co-author of 13 best-selling books on personal finance including Master Your Debt, Fast Profits in Hard Times, Everyone’s Money Book, Master Your Money Type, Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms and Barron’s Finance and Investment Handbook.
Sarah Evans – CES Digital Correspondent, Strategist, & CEO of Sevans Strategy
Sarah Evans is a digital correspondent. That includes social and digital strategy, talent, editing and publishing with her company Sevans Strategy. She works with companies, like PayPal and Cox Communications, as a digital correspondent and runs a popular digital lifestyle publication Sarah’s Faves. Sarah previously worked with a local crisis center to raise more than $161,000 in three weeks via social media and is proud to be a team member of the Guinness Book World Record holder for the #beatcancer campaign. Her career is a mashup of all her favorite things. She began her career in communications and government relations and a love of technology forever changed her professional path. While her focus over the past ten years has been public relations, she’d “morphed” into a correspondent and consultant, sharing all things digital lifestyle. Her latest venture under her company (Sevans Strategy) umbrella is the digital lifestyle publication, FAVES + CO. She is with us today to report on the latest trends from the Consumers’ Electronic Show.
Emmalia – 7th Grade Entrepreneur and Slime Expert
Emmalia is 13 years old and in the 7th grade. And an entrepreneur! She has started a slime business and even tried to sell some slime to her school’s principal! We LOVE this story.