15 Dec December 15, 2015 – Navy Seal Leadership Brian “Iron Ed” Hiner & Girl Power Go Erin Mahoney
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Brian “Iron Ed” Hiner – Navy Seal Trainer and Author of First, Fast, Fearless: How to Lead Like a Navy SEAL
Ed Hiner is a hero of the Global War on Terror. During his 20-year career as a Navy SEAL on five continents, he made nine major deployments, half of which were combat tours. Twice awarded the Bronze Star with “V” for valor and combat leadership, Iron Ed commanded literally hundreds of combat missions and low visibility operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Southeast Asia and Central America. In high school, he was voted by the Roanoke Times and World News as the Virginia baseball player of the year. In college, he competed twice in the College World Series. During a holiday break from college, Ed spent a day helping out a Navy wife who was being forced from her house. On a trip to her storage unit, Ed happened to meet an active duty Navy SEAL. The SEAL volunteered to help and the ensuing daylong conversation motivated Ed who hitchhiked back to Richmond, went straight to the U.S. Navy recruiter, and enlisted. He was picked to attend Officer Candidate School where he earned his commission as a distinguished honor graduate and class president. Shortly after 9/11, Ed was selected to integrate directly into the elite British Special Boat Service, where he served as Executive Officer and Task Force Black team member during the height of the Iraq War. For his efforts, Ed was specially promoted to Lieutenant Commander and given command of his own SEAL Task Unit, which deployed to Ramadi. This was the first time in the history of the SEAL Teams that a Lieutenant was spot-promoted to Lieutenant Commander for the express purpose of leading a specific combat deployment. Throughout his career, Ed felt a duty to continually pass along what he had learned. In addition to his combat tours, Ed led all instructors, managed all training for west coast SEAL Teams, and was in charge of all SEAL basic and advanced training.
Erin Mahoney – Founder of B3 Training Inc and Girl Power Go
Erin has over 29 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. After serving in the Air Force as a medic, Erin found a way to combine her healthcare background with her passion for fitness. She has held specialized certifications in yoga and kickboxing, and has studied meditation, relaxation and stress reduction at the Center of Mindfulness at UMass Medical Center. Erin is the founder and creator of Girl Power Go which is an empowerment program for girls. This program was designed to get girls ages 7 to 14 excited about being strong, self-confident, independent and healthy. Erin saw a need for this important and relevant program and created unique programs that give girls the tools they need to make good decisions in our ever demanding society. Erin combines life skills, fitness, positive thinking, creativity and fun into her program which reinforces her message to each girl that they can Be Strong, Be Smart, Be Amazing! She has written a book in an effort to bring this program to the world. The demand for this program continues to grow and plans are in place to expand so that Erin and her Girl Power Go team might empower thousands upon thousands of girls across the globe. Erin incorporated her health and wellness company under the name of B3 Training, Inc. With this, Erin has been able to expand and offer several new programs as well. B3 Training, Inc. now offers a full range of services in addition to the personal training, running and Girl Power programs.