March 30, 2018 – Micro Learning Isaac Tolpin, Intuition Rick Snyder, and Your Money Matters Michael Dinich

March 30, 2018 – Micro Learning Isaac Tolpin, Intuition Rick Snyder, and Your Money Matters Michael Dinich

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Isaac Tolpin – Co-Founder at

Isaac Tolpin is a tech entrepreneur and futurist at heart, on the mission of humanizing the digital learning experience to equip and fuel change in the world. Isaac has a unique expertise in digital training that comes from extensive experience working with young adults leading a large direct sales organization enabling him to see first hand the changes and challenges in human behavior around technology and learning, executive experience building and leading 32 area managers and an overall leadership team of 120 across two states, co-founded a 43 employee digital publishing company that produced digital training programs for top-tier influencers used for Corporate employee training and online marketing, an influencer in the digital training world, writing articles, many meetings with mainstream publishing companies, universities, large MOOCs, influencers and companies on overcoming the poor engagement challenges of digital training, and Co-founded the tech company Throwing Boulders in 2001 with Stephen Rhyne, that launched its most important product in 2016 that’s disrupting the digital training world. Isaac brings a visionary mindset to his family by creating a legacy raising and educating their seven children with his wife. He refuses to waste his life achieving the world’s definition of success that leaves so many feeling empty, but instead deeply cares about making a difference in the world through the projects he involved with, those he served, and the family Isaac lead.
Isaac Tolpin Isaac Tolpin


Rick Snyder – CEO of Three Hats, Author, Speaker, Trainer, and Coach

Rick Snyder develops intuitive intelligence on teams for more effective communication, engagement, profitability and innovative success. A prolific writer, Rick can have an intelligent conversation with you about business and professional growth. Rick is the CEO of Three Hats, an international consulting firm that builds high-performance environments in small and mid-size businesses. He is the author of the forthcoming book, The Invisible Edge: How Companies Use Intuition to Jump Ahead (Red Wheel/Weiser; January 2019) which shows us how to apply intuitive skills into every corner of business for more effective communication, rapid decision-making, leadership and innovation. Rick has launched three businesses and is an expert in training others how to utilize the process of bringing intuition into an effective business plan and company culture. His breakthrough strategies have been implemented by executives and businesses in Europe, Canada, Asia and America. Since 2015, Rick has lived in France, and travels extensively for work and leisure. A martial arts enthusiast, Rick uses this background to hone communications and business techniques with individuals and teams. A debut author, Rick has written for Training Industry Magazine and featured in FierceCEO.
Rick SnyderRick Snyder

Michael Dinich – Advisor at Your Money Matters and Founder of Your Money Geek

Michael Dinich has been in the financial service and insurance for nearly 20 years. Michael believes that dollars are not just money, they represent moments that you traded for a better future. After serving in the Army, Michael decided to help hardworking people get the retirement they deserve. Michael has been quoted in The Street, MSN Money, U.S. News, Experian and other publications. Michael is an advisor who works for Your Money Matters, an organization based in Sayre. Pennsylvania which specializes in retirement planning. Michael providing his clients with confidence and security to enjoy retirement is my life’s mission. Working with clients, they develop a plan to maximize social security and pension benefits. Additionally, for clients looking to retire before age 65, they assist in helping them secure cost-effective health insurance.
Michael DinichMichael Dinich

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