11 Jun June 12, 2013 – Narsi (14k friends!) Narasimhan & Super Nurse Finder Jennifer Scully
Broadcast June 12, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio
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Narsi Narasimhan
CEO of Paalm
In addition to having over 13,500 friends on LinkedIn, Narsi runs businesses, consultants, and gives back in many ways. His views on what percent advisors should get of a business is fascinating. Narsi runs the Kettering Executive Network, one of the best such groups I have ever seen. His current company, Paalm, offers IT programming work at set prices, with no unexpected charges. He has a development team in India with over 1000 software engineers! Great info on many topics from a great leader!
Jennifer Scully- Jennifer is President and CEO of Clinical Resources, LLC
Jennifer Scully has been deemed by Ernst and Young as an “Entrepreneurial Winning Woman” in 2009, placing her among a select few to acquire this title. What qualifies her for this honor? Jennifer has spent 30 years of her life dedicated to the cause of helping the geriatric community through her efforts in acute and sub-acute care, assisted living, and long term care. Now, she is at the head of Clinical Resources LLC, a talent management company that places only the most qualified individuals into positions where they can grow their careers and provide the most benefit to the elderly.