11 Jun June 11, 2013 – Inventor Julie Austin & Money Lady Connie Sparks
Broadcast on June 11, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio
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Julie Austin
CEO of Speaker Sponsor, Founder of HydroSport
Julie is doing lots of things! She invented the wrist water bottle, called swiggies, and sold over a quarter of a million worldwide. She also owns a PR company with clients in Newsweek, Chicago Tribune, Woman’s Own, Living Fit, Complete Woman, American Health, NY Daily News, ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX News! She writes, having published several books, and teaches job security, the entrepreneurial way.
Connie Sparks
Owner of the Wade Institute, LLC
Back in 2000, Connie Sparks started a business development company called The Wade Institute. This company provides business strategies to help grow the SMB market through providing predictable environments for business operations. In addition, she provides methods to track metrics that measure the success of these operations. With her team of experienced business veterans, she is a full service, one stop consultant, boosting your companies marketing, revenue, and operating efficiencies!