22 Mar March 22, 2016 – Greatest Hits – Presentation Guru Kenny Nguyen & Email Expert Ben Settle
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This is a Greatest Hits Show, hope you enjoy.
Kenny Nguyen – CEO/Founder of Big Fish Presentations and Author of The Big Fish Experience: Create Memorable Presentations That Reel In Your Audience
Kenny Nguyen is the CEO/Founder of Big Fish Presentations, a company whose mantra is “turning presentations into experiences.” Kenny and his entrepreneurial/presentations tips have been featured on popular news outlets such as TEDx, Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo, Business Insider, Mashable, Huffington Post, and the Washington Post. He is a co-author of the new McGraw-Hill published presentation book, “The Big Fish Experience: Create Memorable Presentations that Reel in Your Audience.” Outside Big Fish Presentations, he is the 2015 curator of 99u Baton Rouge, an annual event to celebrate the creativity of Louisiana. He also hosts a online food cooking channel called You’ve got Meal and was the CEO Student Entrepreneur of the Year 2012.
Ben Settle – Top Email Marketing Specialist
Ben Settle will help you double your sales with email. Ben says that he “shamelessly makes a living writing a quick email each morning and then I goof off the rest of the day.” Sounds like the dream entrepreneurial life! He is sort of like a bum, but he gets paid. Ben writes daily email guides that you can receive, full of tips to increase sales through email. You can download a free copy of the first issue of his $97/month “Email Players” newsletter, which contains 24 ways to start doubling your income with email today. Great stuff.