04 Feb February 3, 2021 – Future of Digital Currency David Treat, Patient Rights Cynthia Fisher and Julio Gonzalez Founder of Gonzalez Family Office
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David Treat – Senior Managing Director Global Blockchain and Multiparty Systems Lead at Accenture
80% of the world’s central banks are on some stage of the
journey to creating digital currencies.
Dave Treat is a senior managing director, global lead of Accenture’s Blockchain Business and Accenture’s Lead of the New York Fintech Innovation Lab. He has over 20 years of experience in Financial Services split between consulting and industry roles spanning Capital Markets, Retail Banking, and Cards. Over the past several years, Dave has driven the formation of Accenture’s Blockchain Business which now spans the globe, engages clients across all industries, and ranges from pure R&D to full scale client business transformation. Digital currency is the wave of the future and central banks around the world are weighing introducing a new kind of money – one that will allow us to transact in our digital world, safely and securely. A recent survey by the Bank of International Settlements found that 80% of the world’s central banks surveyed are engaged in research, experimentation or development of a central bank digital currency (CBDC.) Furthermore, 20% say they would likely offer a digital currency by 2025.
Cynthia Fisher – Founder of ViaCord and PatientRightsAdvocate.org
Biden can force hospitals to show their prices and he can take
credit for putting the actual affordable into the Affordable Care Act.
Cynthia A. Fisher is a life sciences entrepreneur, best known for her pioneering work as Founder and CEO of ViaCord, Inc., a leading umbilical cord blood stem cell banking service which she started in 1993. In 2000, she co-founded ViaCell, a cellular medicines company that became the parent of ViaCord and the subject of an HBS case study. She took ViaCell public in 2005 and sold it to PerkinElmer in 2007 for $300 million. In 2011, she founded WaterRev, LLC to invest in novel technologies that enable sustainable practices in water use. She serves on the public company boards of The Boston Beer Company (SAM) and Easterly Government Properties, Inc. (DEA). Apart from that, Cynthia is also the Founder of FitMoney, providing schools and teachers curriculum for K-12 financial literacy, and PatientRightsAdvocate.org, a non-profit 501(c)(3) advocacy organization for the American public seeking to greatly reduce the cost of healthcare and coverage through systemwide price transparency and creation of a functional and competitive marketplace in healthcare. The wry encapsulation Cynthia uses to describe her professional activities is “If I look back at my career, I’ve focused on liquid assets: blood, water, and beer.”
Julio Gonzalez – CEO of Engineered Tax Services
Biden’s executive orders added more complication
to all small businesses
Julio P. Gonzalez, National Tax Reform Expert, is the Founder of the Gonzalez Family Office and is the CEO and Founder of Engineered Tax Services, Inc. (ETS). Mr. Gonzalez founded ETS to marry the science of engineering with the principles of tax and accounting. Under Gonzalez’s guidance and true insight into how the industry is shaping, Engineered Tax Services is one of the largest, fastest-growing, and most innovative engineering, energy, and specialty tax credit services firm in the country. ETS specializes in the preservation of wealth and the United States’ job creation through IRS engineering-based services. Julio is a tax reform expert, advocate, and member of the Tax Reform Roundtable, playing an instrumental part with the recent Tax Reform 1.0 and continues to work Senate, the House, and the Administration on Federal Tax Law. Mr. Gonzalez is also the founder of several other family operational companies including his family office, Gonzalez Family Office, Calle Gato Ocho, Engineered Tax Exchange, and Engineered Family Office. He and his company have been recognized several times for their assistance in preserving jobs in the United States, and his awards include 30 Best CEOs of the Year by The Silicon Review, CEO Today Hall of Fame, Best Specialty Tax Practice, and Year 2019 by Acquisition International.