April 17, 2023 – Biz Credit Darryl Callum and Medical Ethics Dr. Simon Whitney

April 17, 2023 – Biz Credit Darryl Callum and Medical Ethics Dr. Simon Whitney

Darryl Callum – Owner of Infinite LLC 

Negotiate with a landlord and tell them you are going to rent the property
as an AirBnB. It’s a low to no-money way to start with AirBnB and
generating passive income.

Darryl Callum

Darryl Callum

Darryl Callum is a leader in the financial literacy and business funding space, with over five years of experience in helping individuals and small business owners achieve financial success. His Infinite Freedom program is designed to empower his community to build generational wealth and create passive streams of income. In this interview, he shares great information about using rental property to start an AirBnB business. In other words, you don’t even need to OWN property to be in the AirBnB space. Also, we talk about establishing business credit and how important that is.

SFS Minute 162: Better Biz Credit

Dr. Simon Whitney – Medical Ethicist and Author of From Oversight to Overkill: Inside the Broken System That Blocks Medical Breakthroughs—And How We Can Fix It

The doctor’s computer has been designed to optimize the amount of
money they can extract from you or your insurance. The computer is
not optimized to figure out what is wrong with you and treat it.


Dr. Simon Whitney

Simon Whitney, MD, JD is a family physician and ethicist. He taught at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, where he held the William O’Donnell and Regina O’Donnell Chair in Family Medicine, for twenty-two years. He is retired from the practice of medicine but continues to publish and teach about medical ethics. Dr. Whitney has studied the Institutional Review Board system, including its origins, its triumphs, and its failures, since 2007. He has spoken at national and international conferences and published in professional journals including Pediatrics, Annals of Internal Medicine, Risk Management, and the American Journal of Bioethics. In 2023, he published From Oversight to Overkill: Inside the Broken System That Blocks Medical Breakthroughs—And How We Can Fix It (Rivertowns Books). This book brings to life how scientists struggle with excessive oversight, how the process delays cures that we all need, and what we should do about it. In 2015, he published Balanced Ethics Review: A Guide for the Institutional Review Board Member (Springer). IRBs have long been seen as having a single purpose: to protect research subjects from abuse. This is the first manual to show how IRBs can fulfill their second, unspoken purpose: to allow scientists to save lives without unnecessary bureaucratic hindrances. He has also published articles about breaking bad news to cancer patients, about how patients and doctors should share in medical decision-making and other topics in medical ethics.

SFS Minute 163: Medical Ethics and AI