07 Aug August 7, 2013 – Image Guru Dr. Joyce Knudsen & Bully Expert Kim Harvey
Broadcast August 7, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio
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Dr. Joyce Knudsen- Founder of The ImageMaker, Inc
Dr. Joyce Knudsen is an image super-guru! She has a PhD. in Human Services with a specialization in self-image. She started her company, The Image Maker, Inc., in 1985 and has been helping professionals enhance their image, actualize their potential, and ramp up their self-esteem ever since. She holds several designations from the Association of Image Consultants and has become a leading authority in the industry. She has been featured in interviews for such publications as USA Today and NY Times Magazine. Listen in to see what kind of great advice she has to offer.
Kim Harvey- Co-Found of Angels and Doves
Everyone has been the victim of bullying at some point in their lives. It’s even harder when you have to watch your kid go through this experience that never seems to go away with the generations. Today, we have on Kim Harvey, Co-Founder of Angels and Doves and the developer of the anti-bullying checklist. Angels and Doves is a non-profit with the sole purpose of putting an end to bullying. We will go over this checklist, the story behind Angels and Doves, and some of the underlying principles that help to start the non-profit.