24 Mar March 24, 2021 – Investment Expert RC Peck and Reality Transurfing Renee Garcia
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RC Peck – Founder of Fearless Wealth, Inc.
The brain was designed to make money, its similar to killing a
beast and bringing food home. The brain does not understand
keeping it and growing it. The entrepreneur brain thinks if I make
enough, I will be OK.
RC Peck is an investment expert and help investors create stability and certainty around their investing without feeling like they just took on another job. His clients enjoy real peace of mind, knowing things are and will be okay. They are going to have enough and will not be a burden on anyone. All because they are able to avoid catastrophic losses while keeping their money in the stable, uptrending asset… again regardless of age or self-described risk tolerance. His book Fearless Wealth: Simple Steps to Grow and Harvest Your Money says a lot about investments.
Renee Garcia – Founder of Reality Transurfer.
Be, have or do – its a one size fits all formula for creating
something higher and better for yourself, starting today!
Renée is a lifelong entrepreneur, a Certified Reality Transurfing instructor, and an Alternatives Space adventurer – endorsed by Vadim Zeland the author and creator of Reality Transurfing. Having ventured deeply into the metaphysical world of Reality Creation she has transformed personal failure into success, poverty into abundance, sickness into healing, and a bleak worldview into one brimming with joy and magic. Renée has employed Reality Transurfing to discover fulfillment, true purpose in life and connect with the highest version of herself. With a self built practical methodology and magical wand in hand, she is now empowering others around the world to do so the same. Her motto is “knowledge without application is merely entertainment.” With a rapidly growing following of supporting “Transurfers” at her side, Renée brings to light the works of Vadim Zeland at home and worldwide. She has developed the only English language Reality Transurfing instructional program which serves as the backbone for The International Transurfing Institute, which she founded in 2015.