22 Mar March 27, 2014 – Back from Sabbatical Tony Wright & Fund Hub Kendall Almerico
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Tony Wright – Founder and head of products at software startups – Highlight Here
Tony Wright is just back from a trip around the world with is wife. The joy on being a successful entrepreneur! Tony participated in Y Combinator and founded companies funded by uber-prestigious VC’s Sequoia, True Ventures & Redpoint Ventures. Recently, he was Head of Products at Trippy.com (backed by Sequoia). His company Cubeduel went viral and was sold to investors and he was founder and CEO of RescueTime where he was founder and CEO. Tony has been quoted on the front page of the New York Times and was interviewed on CNBC and Fox Business.
Kendall Almerico – CEO & Founder at Fund Hub – Highlight Here
Kendall Almerico is an Attorney (yes, we will tease him!) and crowdfunding expert. Kendall is one of the top JOBS Act experts and VentureBeat named him the 17th Most Influential Leader in the crowdfunding industry. He loves crowdfunding as it helps restore the American Dream, providing capital for business to grow. Kendall has been interviewed or featured in USA Today, Huffington Post, the New York Daily News, the Washington Post, Fox Business News, and The Sean Hannity Show. He has consulted with thousands on crowdfunding and SMB issues.