November 3, 2015 – Lean Business Planning Tim Berry & IoT Manufacturing Case Engelen

November 3, 2015 – Lean Business Planning Tim Berry & IoT Manufacturing Case Engelen

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Tim Berry – Lean Business Plan Guru, Founder/chairman of Palo Alto Software and Author of Lean Business Planning: Get What You Want From Your Business

TimBerry is the founder and chairman of Palo Alto Software, founder of, and co-founder of Borland International. He is an author of several books and has created software platforms that help create business plans. Tim has also taught entrepreneurship at the University of Oregon for 11 years and he is a frequent speaker on topics of business planning and entrepreneurship. His latest effort is a new startup offering social media business planning for entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketers. His blog is available at Planning Startups Stories  and will help entrepreneurs explore lean business planning. Tim also writes a monthly column on the site, and for Huffington Post, AmEx OPEN Forum, Small Business Trends, and Up and Running. He is the author of books including “Lean Business Planning,” published by Motivational Press, “The Plan-As-You-Go Business Plan” and “3 Weeks to Startup.”
Tim BerryTim BerryTim Berry

Case Engelen – CEO at Titoma, an IoT and connected devices manufacturing firm 

Case Engelen specializes in manufacturing IoT devices in Taiwan. His company, Titoma, stands for Time To Market. They design, engineer and manufacture electronic products, mostly connected devices /IoT and the company helps its clients avoiding delays by designing next to the factories, solving issues on the spot. At Titoma, they take responsibility for the complete project, from industrial design and firmware all the way to mass manufacturing and logistics. The companies they work for want to avoid being stuck in the middle of any number of suppliers.  Their Taiwan head office is right in the middle of Asia’s silicon valley, where devices such as Pebble and Nest are completely redesigned to make them manufacturable.
Case EngelenCase EngelenCase Engelen

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