01 Jun June 2, 2014 – Socially Corey Perlman, SMB Tools Sean Van Duser & Online Fashion Katie Bennett
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Corey Perlman – Social Media Speaker and Owner, Digital Marketing Agency at eBoot Camp – Highlight Here
Corey Perlman is the author of a new book called Social Media Overload: Simple Social Media Strategies For Overwhelmed and Time Deprived Businesses. As a nationally-recognized social media expert, his eBoot Camp book was an Amazon.com bestseller and was distribution in both China and India. eBoot Camp provides digital marketing services to businesses or all sizes. As a member of the National Speaker’s Association, Corey introduces his Social Media for Business Keynote to audiences around the world.
Sean Van Duser – Founder/CEO at bizlifter.com
Sean Van Duser is the founder and CEO of a new site devoted to helping small businesses called bizlifter.com. Their goal is to make running your business easier by helping with scheduling, accounting, marketing, SEO, customer service, invoicing, and employee management. New features are being added all the time! Looks like a great resource for small businesses!
Katie Bennett – Lola and Lesa Runway Fashion
Katie Bennett works on media for Lolo and Lesa, an online retailer for women’s clothes. Founded by Lequita Johnson, the retailer specializes in apparel for forward looking clothing and accessories. Lola and Lisa provides fashion, shoes, and accessories that are of quality and sustainability. They cater to women with great styling looks and by making shopping simple. They also blog about their belief that fashion is “From every day to the runway!”