02 Aug August 2, 2021 – Shopanova Founders and Career Launch Sean O’Keefe
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Daniel Stafford and Robby Switzer – Founders of Shopanova
We are seeing lots of people shopping in person. They are really
excited to go to the mall and go shopping, so we are seeing
a dip the e-commerce.
Daniel Stafford and Robby Switzer are the founders of Shopanova, a modern growth media buying agency for eCommerce shops. This phenomenal team has been able to grow their client’s revenues from 5 figures all the way to 7 figures and beyond. Robby and Daniel grew up in Alaska working as commercial fishermen and doing construction projects during the off-season when they weren’t out at sea. After Daniel rolled his boat in rough weather and almost lost his life and the lives of three other crew members, both men knew that the time for change was yesterday. Their business now has 40 employees and has generated over $100 million in revenue for its clients!
Sean O’Keefe – Founder & Partner at Career Launch and Author of Launch Your Career: How ANY Student Can Create Relationships with Professionals and Land the Jobs and Internships They Want
Professionals say ‘yes’ to the second email after ignoring the first. Some people say, ‘I was busy,’ but more professionals say, ‘I was testing the student intern to see if they wrote again.’
Sean O’Keefe, an award-winning professor, respected researcher, and sought-after speaker on creating social capital, career readiness, internships, and jobs. He is the founder and chief impact officer of Career Launch, a social enterprise that partners with colleges and career programs to equitably scale students’ ability to create professional relationships and launch effective job or internship searches in the hidden job market. His new book is: LAUNCH YOUR CAREER: How ANY Student Can Create Relationships with Professionals and Land the Jobs and Internships They Want. Sean regularly speaks, trains, writes and consults for colleges, universities, and career education nonprofits and government agencies. His specialty involves teaching students how to build professional relationships from scratch, as well as providing advanced training to faculty and career counselors on how to effectively teach networking to their students.