21 Sep September 21, 2016 – Sexy Selling Heather Ann Havenwood, Stressless Jim White & Millennial Debt
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Heather Ann Havenwood – Marketing Coach, InfoPrenur Expert, Chief Sexy Boss™, and Host of ‘The Win’ Podcast
Heather Ann Havenwood is CEO of Havenwood Worldwide and Chief Sexy Boss. She is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies and marketing. Since marketing her first online business in 1999, bringing together clients and personal coaches, she has played an active role in the online marketing world since before most even had a home computer. In 2006 she started, developed and grew an online information marketing publishing company from ground zero to over $1 million in sales in less than 12 months. Starting without a list, a product, a name or an offer, Heather Ann molded her client into a successful guru now known as an expert in his field. Heather Ann has been named by a few as an ‘Icon Creator’ or the ‘Wizard Behind the Curtain’. She has produced and managed over 350 seminars and events and hosted tele-seminars with many top online thought leaders such as Richard Flint, John Alanis, Susan Bratton, Alicia Lyttle, Tom Antion, Alex Mandossian, Legend Joe Sugarman, Anthony Blake, David Lakhani, Robert Shemin and many others. Heather Ann currently is the Author of Sexy Boss: How the empowerment of women is changing the Rule Book for sex, money and success and The Game of Dating and How to Play it: A rule book for divorced men stepping back into the game.
Jim White – Author of “Manage Your Stress And Live Your Life: How To Keep Stress And Anxiety From Controlling Your Happiness”
Jim White, Ph.D. is President of JL White International, Inc, author of What’s My Purpose? and creator of The Circle of Success®, a customized, yearlong leadership and management transformation process. He is also the creator of the Jim White’s Classic Movie Series® The Creator and Host of The Circle of Success TV Show With Dr. Jim White on KYMB-TV, The creator and Host of the Circle of Success Radio Show and The Red Carpet Tour™. These innovative events have attracted more than 100,000 participants worldwide, including Fortune 500 CEOs, management teams, entrepreneurs, governments, and trade associations. Jim helps people dramatically and measurably increase their success in as little as 90 days. By 1991, Jim White had already achieved international recognition as CEO of Blount World Trade Corporation, owner and Managing Director of ACEC Centrifugal Pumps NV, Belgium, and as Vice President and Division Manager of Ingersoll Rand Equipment Corporation. He had also bought, grown, and sold twenty-two companies over two decades, most of which were failing companies that he revived and developed into thriving, profitable enterprises.
David Sparrow – Senior Editor of Parents Magazine and Paul Golden – Director of SmartAboutMoney.org
David Sparrow is the Senior Editor of Parents magazine. He edits features on a variety of topics, from discipline to values to child development, and heads the magazine’s education coverage, helping parents instill the skills, knowledge, and values kids need to succeed in school-and beyond. He directs Parents’ personal finance coverage, which is dedicated to helping millennial moms manage their money more efficiently and build a solid financial future for their family. He also edits the toddler Ages & Stages development section as well as special reports and packages. For the past 12 years he has headed the annual Parents/Edmunds.com Best Family Cars guide. He also blogs regularly for Parents Perspective on parents.com, and produces videos for the site. Paul Golden is Director with SmartAboutMoney.org, a nonprofit foundation inspiring educated financial decision making for individuals and families through every stage of life. As a financial spokesperson, Golden has been interviewed by outlets throughout the country. Prior to joining Smart About Money in 2005, he worked as a managing editor in the online news industry and has spent several years working in financial services.