16 Nov November 16, 2015 – Sales Guru Larry Cockerel & Mom Entrepreneur Rachel Olsen
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Larry Cockerel – Sales Training Specialist, Author of It’s Not About Cancer It’s About You: Six Reasons to Keep Living and Enjoying Your Gift of Life, Cancer Survivor, Part of The John Maxwell Team
Larry Cockerel is one of those guys (and gals) that can sell anything, but more importantly, he can teach you to sell well too. He inspires people to grow and develop themselves. As part of the John Maxwell Team, 1 of only 1800 Worldwide, he shares his motivational message and sales super techniques. He focuses on team building and communication skills. Larry has worked with hundreds of companies to help them increase their potential and results. He is an author of two books, has worked with companies like Mercury Marine, Snap-on Tools, and Harley- Davidson, and conducts sales seminars around the US. As the “Cancer Fighting Specialist,” his mission is to offer hope and encouragement to everyone.
Rachel Olsen is Founder of Best Mom Products and THE media strategist for Mom Entrepreneurs. Her #1 Amazon best-selling book tells all entrepreneurs how to get great, free PR to grow their businesses. Best Mom Products is a digital media consulting firm where mom entrepreneurs share their start-up story and learn how to get the media buzz they deserve to generate more sales. Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank called a her book a “must-read.” Rachel is also the Co-Founder of GetApplr.com, where you can easily discover your friends’ favorite apps, why they recommend them and share yours too. Her Best Mom Products show and podcast were featured as iTunes “New & Noteworthy” and she has appeared on ABC News, Better Homes + Garden, Tech Cocktail, Huffington Post, Women 2.0, and Millionaire Girls Movement. She has an incredible free gift for you, a list of entrepreneur radio shows that you can get on to promote your business. Download the list and use it!