17 Jun June 17, 2016 – Sales Guru and Publisher Ken Dunn
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Ken Dunn – Founder & CEO of Reader’s Legacy and Next Century Publishing and Author of The Greatest Prospector in the World: A historically accurate parable on creating success in sales, business & life
Ken Dunn started as an investigative policeman but was always interested in entrepreneurship. In 2001, he founded a mortgage company in Ontario and grew it to over $40 million in annual sales. He is co-founder of Ocean Avenue, operating in 10 Asian countries selling vacation packages. In addition to his new book on prospecting for sales, he has written several other books including the great “How to Write a Book in Two Hours.” His newest company, Next Century Publishing, describes a great new way to publish your book. You all know I think everyone needs to write a book. It is the business card of the 21st century. Ken’s new way of getting your book out is phenomenal and we endorse it 100%!