07 Dec December 7, 2018 – No One Believes You Rob Jolles, Traditional vs Self Publishing Tracy Higley (14 books!) and Health Enrollment Deadlines!
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Rob Jolles – President of Jolles Associates and Author of the New Book Why People Don’t Believe You…Building Credibility from the Inside Out
Rob Jolles a sought-after speaker and best-selling author, Rob teaches, entertains, and inspires audiences worldwide.Rob draws on more than thirty years of experience to teach people how to change minds. His keynotes and workshops on influence and persuasion are in global demand, including companies in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Far East. And, most importantly, his work inspires individuals and organizations to create real, lasting change by not just teaching clients how, but why. Today, Rob’s programs attract diverse audiences, from Global 100 companies to growing entrepreneurial enterprises, from parents to professional negotiators. His best-selling books, including Customer Centered Selling, Mental Agility®, and How to Run Seminars & Workshops have been translated into more than a dozen languages. The source: Rob Jolles is a sought-after speaker who teaches, entertains, and inspires audiences worldwide. His live programs in and around the world have enabled him to amass a client list of Fortune 500 companies including Toyota, Disney, GE, a dozen universities, and over 50 financial institutions. He is the best-selling author of six books, including his latest release, Why People Don’t Believe You…Building Credibility from the Inside Out.
Tracy Higley – Entrepreneur and Author of 14 Books including Impactivity: What if you’re working hard on all the wrong things?
Tracy Higley is a bestselling author of fourteen novels and successful entrepreneur and business owner. After decades of keeping up with publishing contracts, four kids, church ministries and grad school, all the while running a million-dollar retail business, Tracy “”crashed and burned.” And learned. The answer didn’t come from changing her fundamental personality of achiever, but by taking those strengths and fitting them into a structure that explodes productivity while staying balanced, healthy and joyful. Her desire is to walk alongside Christian women who want to make a lasting impact with their lives, both within and outside the four walls of their homes.
Noah Lang – CEO and Co-founder of Stride Health
Noah Lang is CEO and Co-founder of Stride, the first benefits platform built for independent and part-time workers. Stride delivers intelligent access to health care coverage and financial protection to self-employed and independent contractors. Stride is directly integrated into the world’s largest labor and capital marketplaces (including Uber, Etsy, TaskRabbit & Care.com), as well as large hospitality and retail workforces. The company is backed by leading venture capital firms Venrock, NEA and Fidelity’s F-Prime Capital, and is available nationwide. Noah is a graduate of Stanford University as a President’s Scholar. With less than a weeks to go, a new poll from Kaiser says only 24 percent of self-employed people know the deadline to get health insurance coverage. That’s not surprising, given the lack of marketing this year from the government. But it is a problem when you consider the cost of healthcare is a major concern for 75 percent of Americans (particularly given that medical debt is the number-one reason people hear from debt collection agencies).