29 Jan January 29, 2020 – Parlay Effect Anne Devereux-Mills, Hardiness Paul Bartone and Losing Soccer Beau Dure
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Anne Devereux-Mills – Founder of Parlay Effect – Author of The Parlay Effect: How Female Connection Can Change the World
The minute I exposed real feelings, the other women in the
room said, ‘Oh my God, me too!’
Anne Devereux-Mills is a connector, speaker and advocate. She is also the author of the upcoming book, The Parlay Effect: How Female Connection Can Change the World to be published in January 2020. In this deeply personal book, Anne Devereux-Mills uses her insights as founder Parlay House to show how small actions can create a cascade of positive change–it’s about women lifting up women. A former advertising agency CEO, Devereux-Mills tells her story of how, just short of her 50th birthday, she lost her health to cancer, her last child to college, and her job to the Recession. Feeling she had no identity, she set out to figure out who she really was and how to start again. The result is Parlay House—founded in 2012, an informal and inclusive club of women who gather once a month to hear industry leaders, watch documentary screenings, and to exchange literature and, most consequentially, ideas. Parlay House hosts recurring gatherings in multiple cities, including San Francisco, Oakland, New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, Atlanta and Denver, with more to come. Recent events have covered a broad range of topics, including dealing with narcissism, battling perfectionism and finding humor in unexpected places.
Col (ret) Paul T. Bartone, PhD – Co-author of Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals
You can learn to be more hardy with commitment,
control and challenge.
Col (ret) Paul T. Bartone, PhD is currently a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for National Security Policy, National Defense University. Over his 25-year career in the US Army, Bartone served as commander of the US Army Medical Research Unit-Europe, and later taught leadership and psychology at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and at the US Military Academy, West Point, where he also was director of the Leader Development Research Center. As the Army’s senior research psychologist, he served as research psychology consultant to the surgeon general, and as assistant corps chief for Medical Allied Sciences. A Fulbright scholar, Bartone is past-president of the American Psychological Association’s Society for Military Psychology, a charter member of the Association for Psychological Science, and a life member and fellow of the American Psychological Association. He holds an MA and PhD in psychology and human development from the University of Chicago. His book, Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals, compiles 40 years of scientific research on hardiness as a protective stress resilience resource, and provides tips and strategies to become more self-actualized and satisfied with life.
Beau Dure – Olympic Sports Writer – Author of Why the U.S. Men Will Never Win the World Cup: A Historical and Cultural Reality Check
Beau Dure’s professional life revolves around things that didn’t exist in his college days: Major League Soccer, the Internet as we know it, professional women’s soccer, and mixed martial arts. After spending a decade working as a sports writer at USA TODAY, he now focuses on book and blog projects, along with freelance writing for outlets including The Guardian, Soccer America, Four Four Two, SoccerWire, ESPN, Fox Soccer, OZY, The Huffington Post, and Popdose.