October 22, 2013 – iCrowd Brad McGee & Green Capitalist Jigar Shah

October 22, 2013 – iCrowd Brad McGee & Green Capitalist Jigar Shah

Broadcast October 22, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio

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Brad McGee – Co-Founder of iCrowd

Brad McGee has created an equity based crowd funding platform, something desperately needed! There seems to be a multitude of crowdfunding platforms coming to the surface, each with its own competitive advantage. Of course, there are the crowdfunding monsters like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, but on the niche side of things, smaller platforms exist that offer specialty services that offer value to specific fundraisers. Brad McGee has positioned himself in such a way. His crowdfunding platform, iCrowd, offers an entrepreneurial social network that runs in conjunction with their crowdfunding services. This is designed to encourage establishing relationships with mentors/mentees, investors, partners, ect. Brad comes on to talk a little about what he has done to be heard in a very noisy marketplace as well as his plans for future growth.


Jigar Shah – Green Energy Expert, Author, and Entrepreneur

Jigar Shah is a green entrepreneur believes in making money! He devoted much of his efforts towards creating market driven solutions for viable clean energy as well lowering the barriers to entry to creating green energy solutions. In 2003, he launched one of the first (and few) successful solar energy companies called SunEdison. His book, Creating Climate Wealth, goes into how the world can generate up to $10 trillion in value-added wealth through private market solutions to climate change. Jigar served as CEO of Richard Branson’s Carbon War Room, a think tank for the most brilliant entrepreneurs setting out to accomplish an end very similar to what is outline in Creating Private Wealth. Welcome to some of the many opportunities that  reside in the green energy space!


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