November 15, 2013 – Plane Builder Richard Rofé & MovieLaLa Dana Loberg

November 15, 2013 – Plane Builder Richard Rofé & MovieLaLa Dana Loberg

Broadcast November 15, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio

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Richard Rofé – Owner and President of SeaMax America 

Richard Rofé has been an entrepreneur since he was 15, when friend and idea guy Kevin Goodman and he started a company called Slang World Enterprises which used Tyvek building material to make apparel as premium incentive items for Major League Baseball, the US Open, concerts, marathons, Adidas, etc.  At 22 and after college,  Richard and his business partner started Slang Video Distributors, a compnay that helped others (over 100 clients) open video rental stores. At 26, he opened Wings of Westwood, a chicken wing restaurant in NYC, and then grew it to 35 units mostly on college campuses. That grew into Wow Wings which were sold in 1500 airports, stadiums, hotels, bars and taverns nationwide. He started and grew several more businesses but gave it all up to pursue his passion of flying. So he bought a plane manufacturing company!!  His product reminds us a lot of James Bond’s plane in “Man with the Golden Gun.” Richard is the new James Bond!! So cool!

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Dana Loberg – Co-Founder at MovieLaLa

Dana Loberg held some great jobs before become an entrepreneur, a great lesson for all. Once she build a huge network, she started a movie trailer website with a great twist. Consumer go to MovieLaLa to learn more about their favorite stars and movies. Distributors love the site because it helps them find and connect with the most loyal fans. A great idea!  MovieLaLA is a new way to discover movies, as a social network and movie marketing platform.  Another cool, inspiring entrepreneurial story!

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