08 May May 8, 2013 – Sherrie Wilkolaski and DeAnna Radaj
Broadcast May 8, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio – Sherrie Wilkolaski and DeAnna Radaj
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Sherrie Wilkolaski -Founder & President at Author’s Boutique.
Want to get your book read by millions? Talk to Sherrie! I think every entrepreneur should write a book, its just too easy and useful to not do it.
DeAnna Radaj- Founder of DeAnna On Design
DeAnna can enter a space and help to tweak, remodel, or re-design the work space or home to work better to suit the function and the lifestyle of the occupants of the space. Using Integrative Lifestyle Design (eco-shui), life quality can be improved and be supportive to any transitions occurring, lifestyle changes or health challenges.