July 1, 2014 – Social Sales w Jeff Sheehan & NYT Best Seller Martin Yate

July 1, 2014 – Social Sales w Jeff Sheehan & NYT Best Seller Martin Yate

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Jeff Sheehan – Founder of Sheehan Marketing Strategies and Author of HIRED! – Highlight Here

Jeff Sheehan has been with us before and was such a great guest, we wanted him back. Today, he is going to share his thoughts on social selling. Jeff ranks in the top 1% of LinkedIn users, has over 260,000 followers on Twitter, and is a recognized marketing expert. He was noted as the “#1 Marketer In The World To Follow On Twitter” and the #2 in Social Media. Jeff ranks number 6,481 out of 554,000,000 users on Twitter and in Atlanta searches is ranked right after The Weather Channel and ahead of Diet Coke! He shares how to drive sales using social media and the best practices for social selling.

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Martin Yate – Professional Resume Writing & N.Y. Times Bestseller author of Knock ’em Dead 2014: The Ultimate Job Search Guide – Highlight Here

Martin Yate is the top resume writer in America. As author of seventeen career management books, and a New York Times Best Seller, Martin has devoted himself to helping others navigate the twists and turns of a long career. His Knock Em Dead series has been translated in to 62 languages collectively! He also offers coaching services in many areas. Today we focus on LinkedIn skills and tips. Martin’s LinkedIn account is worth a visit to see some of his tricks in action. This interview is backed with great info on using LinkedIn as a tool to build your career, as an employee or entrepreneur.

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