21 Jun June 21, 2013 – The Art of Charm Jordan Harbinger & Forbes.com’s Tanya Prive
Broadcast June 21, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio
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Jordan Harbinger– Co-founder of The Art of Charm
Who is Jordan Harbinger? Think Hitch! He runs a dating website and podcast that help men attract the right woma without all the cheesy pickup lines, ‘peacocking’, and mind games. He promotes a ‘you-centered’ approach to getting the girl. This mentality focuses on being the best version of yourself to attract ‘the one’. Enhance the other areas of your life like friendships, your career, and hobbies. Turn up the volume on who you are rather than changing yourself to accommodate a potential love interest. The right woman will be sure to hear! We go through his start-up’s story and pick up some valuable tips along the way. This is going to be a fun one for sure!
Tanya Prive- School for Startups Radio Crowdfunding Guru
Tanya is a repeat guest, one of our gurus. As a Forbes.com writer, she always has something new and interesting to say. This week we talk funding, specifically how to get angel funding. Great info and always fun with Tanya!