29 Jul July 31, 2017 – Just Say Yes! Jim Palmer, Human Capital Drew Davis & Winning from Failing Josh Seibert
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Jim Palmer – Newsletter Guru and Author of Just Say Yes: Create Your Dream Business and Live Your Dream Lifestyle – Read interview highlights here
Jim Palmer is a coach, author, entrepreneur, speaker, and marketing guru, and this is his fourth time on the show! He is the founder of the Dream Business Academy and Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program. Jim is also the founder and CEO of several businesses including Success Advantage Publishing, No Hassle Newsletters, No Hassle Social Media, and Concierge Print & Mail on Demand. Jim is the host of Newsletter Guru TV, the hit weekly Web TV show watched by thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners, and he also hosts Stick Like Glue Radio, a weekly podcast based on his unique brand of smart marketing and business building strategies. Oh, and the boat on the cover of “Just Say Yes” is his!!
Drew Davis – Founder of 86 Gravity and Author of What I Learned Before 30
Drew Davis has had a careers in both restaurants and start ups, so he is no stranger to the travails of leadership, mentor-ship, and management in chaotic, cash-constrained environments. Drew currently serves as Human Capital Advisor to Fulcrum Investing and as an Engagement Manager for Artemis Connection. He recently published his first book, “What I Learned Before 30.” Drew climbed the ladder of the restaurant industry with a great deal of empathy, a little bit of luck, and a massive amount of overconfidence. After graduating from Harvard in 2009, he worked his way up from being a busboy in Boston to being a beverage director for Momofuku in NYC. He joined the Eastman Egg team in January 2014 and served as COO for three years, growing the company to four operating units. Drew also grew its revenues and team each by a factor of 10. He is now an expert on creating positive and sustainable employee culture in order to reach a company’s overall goals (a win-win for everyone).
Josh Seibert – Author of Winning From Failing and President of Training & Development Solutions of Sandler Training Center
Josh Seibert’s new book “Winning from Failing: Build and Lead a Corporate Learning Culture for High Performance” shows company leaders how to harness the natural adult learning progression. His book shows sales leaders (and others) how to create, support, and sustain a workplace learning culture that measurably improves performance. Launching such a culture always starts with top management’s recognition that it is it essential for people to fail – within clearly defined boundaries. The book is a proven road map for creating a high-performance learning culture in the workplace, based on the principles of the Sandler Selling System.