21 Nov November 21, 2013 – Educational Platforms Emiliano De Laurentiis & Law Writer Jason Best
Broadcast November 21, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio
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Jason Best – Co-Founder at Crowdfund Capital Advisors and Entrepreneur-in-Residence at UC Berkeley’s Center for Entrepreneurship
Jason Best is the Principal of Crowdfund Capital Advisors (CCA). They work with The World Bank, professional investors, governments, development organizations, professional services firms and entrepreneurs globally to leverage the power of crowdfund investing. The firm is a key parter of the U.S. State Department’s Global Entrepreneurship Program that works to build effective entrepreneurial and early-stage funding ecosystems. And this is amazing, Jason is one of the three people responsible for writing the CrowdFund Investment Framework used by the President in the Jobs Act! He attended the Rose Garden Ceremony at the White House on April 5, 2012 to watch President Obama sign the bill. And he is Entrepreneur-in-Residence at UC Berkeley’s Center for Entrepreneurship!
Emiliano De Laurentiis – Founder & President at Knowledge Avatars and Online-Startups
Emiliano De Laurentiis role in education is amazing! In 1981, he developed SOCRATES, the first adaptive computer learning environment and went on to develop over twenty-four educational software products that were published in partnership with Simon & Schuster and Prentice-Hall. In 1991, he started Lifelong.com which produced award-winning Internet content such as Monster Math and reached a million hits a month. His newest project now in beta launch, Knowledge Avatars, is an adaptive learning platform that teaches the way you think and anyone can use it to publish educational content and make money!