01 Jun June 1, 2015 – AT&T Accelerator Jacob Saperstein & CallRail Andy Powell
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Jacob Saperstein – Director of Innovation Policy and Social Investment and Aspire Accelerator at AT&T
Jacob Saperstein is the current Director of Innovation Policy and Social Investment at AT&T. He works with technology innovators, companies, and organizations in support of AT&T Public Affairs objectives. He also works with AT&T Aspire, thier signature education initiative, to partner with and invest in the Ed-Tech ecosystem. Aspire has invested in 5 great education companies, both non-profit and for profit. Prior to leading the AT&T Accelerator, Jacob was the Senior Advisor and Chief Operating Officer at Ground Floor Public Affairs. Jacob holds a BA in Political Sciences from Stanford and did his MBA at UC Berkeley’s Walter A. Haas School of Business.
Andy Powell – Co-Founder & CEO of CallRail
Andy Powell is the Co-Founder and CEO of a new and innovative company, CallRail. CallRail is a SaaS phone call tracking platform that enables businesses to stop wasting money on advertising that doesn’t work. They accomplish this by showing business owners which ad campaigns deliver valuable phone calls. Essentially, they offer call tracking solutions for businesses and agencies. Prior to CallRail, Andy founded i85media, a set of directories to find service for foreign made cars. He also co-authored You May Not Tie an Alligator to a Fire Hydrant: 101 Real Dumb Laws and Wearing of This Garment Does Not Enable You to Fly: 101 Real Dumb Warning Labels. He started his first business at 14 years old!