15 Jul July 15, 2022 – Healthcare Entrepreneur Harry Glorikian and Better AirBnB Michael & Jennifer Corbus
Harry Glorikian – Healthcare Entrepreneur and Author of The Future You: How Artificial Intelligence Can Help You Get Healthier, Stress Less, and Live Longer

Harry Glorikian
Harry Glorikian is a global business expert, healthcare entrepreneur, podcaster and author. For over three decades, Harry has built a breadth of successful ventures in the healthcare space, and he is well known for being at the forefront of helping invest in and grow innovative healthcare companies that are tackling ground-breaking areas of healthcare and biotechnology. A sought-after speaker, Harry is frequently quoted in the media and regularly asked to assess, influence, and be part of innovative concepts and trends. He also holds four US patents in telecommunications and has others pending. He currently serves as a General Partner at Scientia Ventures, a VC firm focused on upleveling companies that have the potential to transform healthcare. In particular, the firm targets businesses at the cutting edge of life sciences with an emphasis on computational biology and chemistry, the digitization of medicine and digital therapies. Additionally, he serves on the boards of StageZero Life Sciences (TSX: SZLS), a publicly traded healthcare technology business dedicated to the early detection of cancer and multiple disease states through whole blood, and Drumroll Health, which develops AI technologies to foster closer partnerships between patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare companies. In his newest release, The Future You: How Artificial Intelligence Can Help You Get Healthier, Stress Less, and Live Longer (Brick Tower Press, Oct. 2021), Glorikian brings his learnings to the general consumer who wants to understand how all this new technology and talk of artificial intelligence can make their lives and those of their family and friends more fulfilling through better health. Glorikian walks through how readers can shape the best and healthiest version of themselves and how artificial intelligence (AI) can be a powerful tool on that journey. Before joining Scientia Ventures, Harry was an entrepreneur. He grew and sold his own healthcare consulting company, Scientia Advisors, which served some of the global technology and healthcare companies in the world, many of which were on the Global 500 and Fortune 500. Harry also served as an Entrepreneur-In-Residence to GE Ventures – New Business Creation Group, leading to the founding of Evidation Health and DrawBridge Health. He is the author of MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market and the diagnostics textbook Commercializing Novel IVDs: A Comprehensive Manual for Success, and is the host of The Harry Glorikian Show podcast series. Glorikian holds an MBA from Boston University and a bachelor’s degree from San Francisco State University. Harry has addressed the National Institutes of Health, Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, World Theranostics Congress, and other audiences, worldwide. From leading successful healthcare ventures to being a sought-after speaker on innovative concepts and trends, Harryunderstands the revolutionary potential artificial intelligence and data can have on healthcare and life sciences. Leveraging his three decades of experience, he has advised some of the largest health corporations in the world, including Global 500 and Fortune 500 companies. In his new book, The Future You: How Artificial Intelligence Can Help You Get Healthier, Stress Less, and Live Longer, Glorikian shares life-altering observations on the effect digitalization and innovative technology has had on health. He outlines a roadmap to maximize readers’ personalized health and wellness, along with clearing the misconceptions people often have about health technology.
Michael and Jennifer Corbus – Authors of BUNK IS BANK: How BUNK BEDS Can Create Passive Income for YOU on AIRBNB

Michael and Jennifer Corbus
Michael and Jennifer Corbus live just outside of Portland, Oregon with their three children. They have been renting out a portion of their home since 2005 and in 2015 switched to a shorter-term bunk bed BNB model creating a sustainable passive income source. In BUNK IS BANK, they show you how you can do the same!