02 Oct October 6, 2016 – Growth Hacking Kevin Tang & College Funding Peter Mazareas
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Kevin Tang – Growth Hacker and Founder of Vyper.io
Kevin Tang started at the world’s most highly trafficked Asian American print & digital magazine for guys. His role consisted of channeling traffic from social media into their email list & converting email subscribers into paid customers. He was also responsible for generating and scheduling the creatives that would be sent out via Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Today, Kevin is an expert in how to get targeted traffic for cheap or free and how to convert more of that traffic to paying customers or leads. With that in mind, he developed a funnel-based growth hacking methodology.
Peter Mazareas – Co-Founder of Invite Education and Author of Plan and Finance Your Family’s College Dreams: A Parent’s Step-By-Step Guide from Pre-K to Senior Year
Dr. Peter Mazareas is considered one of the nation’s foremost experts on college planning and financing. He is one of the founders of 529 Plans, having worked with Congress on legislation to enable the creation and implementation of 529 savings plans. Peter helped establish and was elected Chair of the two 529 Trade Associations-the College Savings Plan Network (CSPN) and the College Savings Foundation. As a consultant, he helped design, launch, and market several of the nation’s largest 529 Programs. He is the former Executive Director of the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, where he implemented some of the nation’s first college loan and 529 savings plans. He is featured at national conferences and has been quoted and interviewed in a variety of national publications and radio and TV shows, including The Wall Street Journal; USA Today; Kiplinger’s; CNN; PBS; Bob Brinker; Money Magazine; Smart Money Magazine; and Investment News. Dr. Mazareas has also served as Deputy Treasurer, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He was a senior administrator and on the faculty at 3 universities, including as a full-time Professor of Business at Boston College’s Carroll Graduate School of Management. He is a co-founder of Invite Education.