01 Aug August 8, 2014 – Greatest Hits – Inc Blogger Geoffrey James & Life Saver Howard Leonhardt
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Geofrey James – Blogger at Sales Source and Inc. Writer
Geoffrey writes one of the most popular business blogs, “Sales Source on Inc.com,” and has won awards from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers and the American Society of Business Publication Editors. His soon-to-be-published, crowd-sourced book is “Business Without the Bullsh*t” combines his decades of corporate experience with the collective wisdom of thousands of his followers to create the ultimate how-to guide for the everyday office worker. The book will be published in early 2014 by Business Plus, one of the world’s top publishers of business books.
Its rare to run across a story as compelling at this. Our guest Howard Leonhardt has saved thousands of lives! Howard has 21 patents for products for treating cardiovascular disease, and saving lives. The TALENT stent graft he developed repairs aortic aneurysms without surgery, used on over 200,000 patients. Howard is also very active in the crowd funding initiative and is co-leader of Startup California and Founder and Chairman of The California Stock Xchange. If not enough, he is testing the waters to be a 2018 candidate for Lt. Governor of California.