07 Apr April 7, 2015 – Business Buying w Gary Pudles & Buying w/o Money w Chris Hanks
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Gary Pudles – President and CEO AnswerNet & Serial Entrepreneur
Gary Pudles is a serial entrepreneur and is with us today to talk about his successes buying existing businesses. Gary is actively realizing this goal of helping others by teaching and supporting entrepreneurship at many levels and by owning and operating multiple technology and service businesses. His focus is to help other companies run better. He is the Founder and CEO of AnswerNet, and the co-founder of TextGen, SA Billing, Splendtastic and Subout.com. Hewon the SmartCEO Best Run Companies Award and the prestigious Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for business service providers. AnswerNet won the 21st spot on the Inc. 500 list! He teaches Entrepreneurship at the University Of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School Of Business and is a participant in Startup Camp and the Intl’ Startup Festival.
Chris Hanks – Founder & Executive Director at Kennesaw State University Entrepreneurship Center and Co-Author of School for Startups: The Breakthrough Course for Guaranteeing Small Business Success in 90 Days or Less
Christopher C. Hanks is the founder and executive director of the KSU Entrepreneurship Center, the same position he held until recently at the University of Georgia. Chris has owned multiple businesses in the music, e-commerce, publishing, and export industries. He is also the co-author (with Jim beach, show host) of a best-selling book on low risk entrepreneurship. Chris is also a certified business valuation expert and provides expert witness testimony. Before teaching at UGA, Hanks taught entrepreneurship at Georgia State University and assisted in leading the Russell Center for Entrepreneurship. Before launching his first business, Hanks held corporate risk management positions in the pharmaceutical and beverage industries.