05 Apr April 8, 2014 – Facebook Marketing w Chris Treadaway & Crowdfund Banker Mark Sokol
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Chris Treadaway – CEO at Polygraph Media and Author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day – Highlight Here
Chris Treadaway is Facebook marketing expert and founder/CEO of Polygraph Media. Chris has some great insights into Facebook, which he argues will soon become a utility. He says social media has become fashion choice, and that even though young users are choosing other social media platforms than Facebook, there will always be a place for it. Chris says though that Facebook must continue to buy new technology if you want if they want to remain relevant Chris gives some great tips on Facebook marketing and how it compares to Google Plus. Polygraph Media is a social media data mining company, focusing on analytics. Chris worked at Microsoft Corporation where he was Group Product Manager for Web Strategy for four years, and was part of the launch team at Silverlight.
Mark Sokol – CEO, Best Banking & The Best Banking Stock Exchange – Highlight Here
Mark Sokol loves to talk about Pete Best, the drummer that was almost in the Beatles and was replaced by Ringo Starr. Mark learned the lesson that you can’t take anything for granted from this story. And, he says that bank’s days are numbered. Until the umbrella brand name Best, he has created a unique meta-search engine which combines eCommerce, search, social media, video and news from around the world. As a crowdfunding expert, he is combining Wall Street and Main Street and crowdfunding to get Best Banking!