June 9, 2014 – LinkedIn Expert Jeff Sheehan & Butter Founder Dan Flanegan

June 9, 2014 – LinkedIn Expert Jeff Sheehan & Butter Founder Dan Flanegan

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Jeff Sheehan – Social Media Professional, LinkedIn Expert, Speaker, & Author of HIRED! – Highlight Here

Jeff Sheehan is an author and as owner of Sheehan Marketing Strategies has worked with companies like Cisco, Apple, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Exxon, and Dell. He has helped companies grow their marketing success by hundreds of millions of dollars. As one of the world’s top B2B experts, Jeff has a Klout score of 74, has over 6,400 LinkedIn connections, operates several groups on LinkedIn, and has 280,000 followers on twitter. He is been listed as one of the top 100 marketers and one of the top 100 salespeople in the world to follow on twitter. He is also very dedicated to paying it forward and his new book HIRED! shows people how to get social media jobs. In this far-reaching interview, we discuss LinkedIn and how to use it to drive sales among several other social media topics.

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Dan Flanegan – Co-founder at Butter – Highlight Here

Dan Flanegan is a Co-founder at Butter. Butter is an app dedicated to making new friends through social media. Many sites try to drive connections, but Butter has a way of using photos and messaging to help find people from all over the world who share similar interests. He gives an interesting outlook of the evolution of social media. Dan is a recognized mobile expert and has been mentioned by ABC, NBC, Fox News, eMarketer, Red Herring, OMMA Magazine, ClickZ, MediaPost, Mobile Marketer, The San Diego Business Journal, Box Office Magazine, The San Diego Union Tribune, UPI, Wired, Marketing Sherpa and Wireless Week.


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