08 Feb February 10, 2014 – Intrapreneur Courtney Thurman, Social Marketing Jennifer Abernethy & Wells Fargo’s Sean Mabey
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Courtney Thurman – Entrepreneur Press Author, Startup Evangelist and Founder of SmallWerks Marketing Agency – Highlight Here
Courtney Thurman has a strong background in strategic marketing, and recently she did the unthinkable (well, not really, but I like to tease her!) and got a job! As an intrapreneur now, she explains why this job is that cool and how she continues to juggle her entrepreneurial endeavors. As a writer for Entrepreneur Press, she speaks frequently at various universities. Her marketing firm provides design and strategic marketing services to about 75 clients in a variety of industries. Below is a cute video explaining more about intrapreneurship……
Jennifer Abernethy – Author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing: 2nd Edition and CEO of The Sales Lounge – Highlight Here
Jennifer Abernethy is the real deal! She was a former million-dollar per year account executive for the Washington Post. Now, she owns two companies and assists companies and entrepreneurs to increase online & offline visibility. She is a “non-techy’ speaker that delivers infotaining content with her “GO LIVE” presentations where she demonstrates live ways to find warm leads on social sites. Jennifer is a hoot and we have a great time.
Sean Mabey – Director of Small Business Strategy and Senior Vice President at Wells Fargo Bank – Highlight Here
Sean Mabey has been a long time friend of the show, and this is his third appearance on the show. Sean is an active member of the Small Business community in Atlanta. As the Director of Small Business Strategy with Wells Fargo, he is all about helping small businesses grow. Today, he is with us to share the latest Gallop Poll of Small Business Owners.