08 May May 8, 2015 – Communicate Better w Ben Decker & Fixing Capitalism w Philip Kotler
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Ben Decker – CEO of Decker Communications and Author of Communicate to Influence: How to Inspire Your Audience to Action
Ben Decker is a communication skills expert. He works to transform individuals to increase their impact. In addition to speaking and leading executive programs, he spearheads Decker Communication’s strategy and expansion efforts. His previous experience and success in sales in the telecommunications and surgical industries validated the importance of communicating effectively, even in the most brief interactions. The goal of his company is to enable people to see how they are when speaking using video feedback and address ways to improve their behavior by making them aware of their nervous habits. The difference it makes in peoples’ communication is remarkable, whether they speak to one person or speak to a large audience.
Dr. Philip Kotler – S.C. Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University and Author of Confronting Capitalism: Real Solutions for a Troubled Economic System
Dr. Philip Kotler is the S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He received his Ph.D. at MIT in economics and did postdoctoral work in mathematics at Harvard University. Dr. Kotler is widely acknowledged as the father of modern marketing and the world’s foremost expert on strategic marketing. He was voted the first Leader in Marketing Thought by the American Marketing Association and named The Founder of Modern Marketing Management in the Handbook of Management Thinking. He holds major awards including the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Distinguished Marketing Educator Award and Distinguished Educator Award from The Academy of Marketing Science. The Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI) named him Marketer of the Year and the American Marketing Association described him as “the most influential marketer of all time.” He has authored over 50 books on all aspects of marketing, including the most widely used marketing textbook in graduate business schools worldwide, Marketing Management, now in its 14th edition. He has consulted for IBM, General Electric, AT&T, Honeywell, Bank of America, Merck and was ranked the fourth most Influential Business Writers/Management Gurus, following Peter Drucker, Bill Gates, and Jack Welch, in a survey of 1,000 executives from 25 countries. The Wall Street Journal ranked him the sixth most influential business thinker and Professor Kotler was honored on his seventy fifth birthday with a commemorative postage stamp from Indonesia!