August 21, 2013 – Google +er David Amerland & Now in Paperback James Marshall Reilly

August 21, 2013 – Google +er David Amerland & Now in Paperback James Marshall Reilly

Broadcast August 21, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio

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David Amerland – Author of Google Semantic Search and Founder of

David is our second Google + expert in as many days. Because I am starting to be convinced that Google + is critical to small business success.  Maybe twice or three times as important as all the other social media combined! Big words. David writes books on SEO, social media and online marketing. They regularly appear on the Amazon best-selling charts. He also writes for Forbes,,, and the HP UK website. David holds an annual SEO and Social Media conference in the summer.

James Marshall Reilly – CEO and Founder of The Guild Agency and Author of Shake the World 

James’ first book, Shake the World, is about the job market, social entrepreneurship, business in the 21st century, philanthrocapitalism, and the change generation. Penguin Publishing is releasing the paper page version next week! He also is founder and CEO of The Guild Agency, which is home to many of the most talented scholars, business leaders, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, ideators, diversity experts, authors, political figures, actors and musicians in the world.