12 Aug August 12, 2013 – Leader Palaniswamy Rajan & Lender Tom Gazaway
Broadcast August 12, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio
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Palaniswamy Rajan – Managing Partner at the CTW Venture Partners
Palaniswamy Rajan is the managing partner of CTW Venture Partners. This venture capital fund specializes in getting startups going at an early level, and they focus primarily in technology startups for disruptive innovations. He grew one firm with no annual revenues in 2000 to $32M in 2005, in probably the most difficult technology industry climate. He sold another to S1 in 1999 in a deal valued at $166 million. Raj serves on the Board of Directors of the above companies and as well on the advisory boards of several early stage technology firms around the country. He was instrumental in establishing the Atlanta CEO Council, a non-profit networking group of more than 1000 CEOs, CxOs, and investors in the Southeast. He also served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CEO Council from 1999 through 2011. Mr. Rajan also co-founded and serves on the Board of Directors of the Atlanta Chapter of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE), a national mentoring organization for entrepreneurs.
Tom Gazaway – President and CEO of HawkEye Management LLC
Tom Gazaway is president and CEO of a company that seeks to provide small businesses with lines of credit to help smooth over operational costs and acquire new and profitable fixed assets. And he can write loans with NO collateral! Today, we have him on to go over the story behind his business and any tips and tricks he might have in the way of getting your small business loan the right way. Be sure not to miss this episode of School for Startups Radio!