July 10, 2014 – Web Conversion’s w Adam Hommey & Kid Money w Gail Haynes

July 10, 2014 – Web Conversion’s w Adam Hommey & Kid Money w Gail Haynes

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Adam Hommey – Website Consultant Business Creators Institute 

Adam Hommey has a great offer. His website training will help you convert sites visitors to clients. He has a free 20 hour class available on his site. Some tops names like PR LEADS Founder Dan Janal, LinkedIn Marketing Expert Kristina Jaramillo, and The Newsletter Guru Jim Palmer have used his conversion techniques. He also has some great information and tips for all us WordPress users. This is a great interview with tons of powerful information!

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Gail Haynes – Author of The Lemonade Stand Millionaire  

Gail Haynes was on the show before and we thought her story was worth an update. She started her first business when she was just a young teen, but she will admit, she did not learn the financial skills she need until decades later. Suddenly a single mom, she realized her daughters were missing the same skills. So she set about getting P&L savvy to run her horse ranch business and to help her daughters. The result was her book The Lemonade Stand Millionaire which will teach parents to raise fiscally aware and prepared kids.


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