08 Oct October 10, 2018 – 125 Patents Lon Safko (things like Siri) and Inspired Business Melinda Wittstock (BBC World, ABC News TV Anchor)
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Lon Safko – Founder of papermodelsonline.com and Author of The Innovative Thinking Bible: Cracking The Creativity Code! (Premium Color Edition)
Lon Safko is the creator of the “First Computer to Save a Human Life.” That computer, along with 18 other inventions and more than 30,000 of Lon‘s papers, are in the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. He has created numerous hardware and software solutions for the physically challenged, developed the first CAD software for civil engineers, designed the archetypes for the Apple Newton & Microsoft’s Bob Operating Systems, and is also responsible for those handy little Tool-Tips help-balloon pop-ups. He is the founder of 14 successful companies, including Paper Models Inc., which developed Three-Dimensional Internet Advertising and Virtual-Electronic-Retailing “V-E-Tailing” for business, promotions, and education for which Lon holds three United States patents. Lon has been recognized for his creativity with such prestigious awards as The Westinghouse Entrepreneur of the Year, Arizona Innovation Network’s Innovator of the Year, The Arizona Software Association’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Ernst & Young / Inc. Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year, The Public Relations Society of America’s, Mark of Excellence Award, and nominated as a Fellow of the nation‘s Computer History Museum. He has also been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, PC Novice, INC. Magazine, CFO, Popular Science Magazines and the New York Times just to name a few. Lon was even selected by the Smithsonian Institution to represent The American Inventor at their annual conference. His bestselling book “The Social Media Bible” unlocks the mysteries of the hottest new Internet wave for business. This book is transforming corporate, government, and non profit marketing strategies and how they use these new media to reach their desired audiences with powerful messages and efficiency. Lon is also a professional blogger for FastCompany, appointed the first Ambassador for SCORE, and the USA Today CEO Advisory Board.
Melinda Wittstock – Founder and CEO of Podopolo, Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Connector, and Innovator
Melinda Wittstock is a visionary entrepreneur, innovator, and founder-CEO of four scalable media-tech businesses. She is a passionate advocate for women in business and hosts a daily podcast on female entrepreneurship called WINGS of Inspired Business. WINGS stands for Women, Innovating, Networking, Growing, and Scaling. Her goal? To help women manifest the confidence, connections, and capital they need to realize success in life and business. Her moonshot goal is to invest $10mm+ in 100+ female-founded companies in the next 10 years and help catalyze the ecosystem where women support each other. With 25+ years experience as a host, journalist and entrepreneurial executive across the world’s top media brands (BBC, London Times, ABC, CNBC) and launching four businesses of her own successful media, tech, mobile apps and predictive data analytics businesses, Melinda brings deep cross-disciplinary expertise to grow every executive leader, innovator, brand or business she works with. Melinda first understood the power (and profit) of targeted information and insight as a correspondent on The Times of London, where she began moving markets at age 22 with her predictive “superpowers” as a financial and media correspondent. Steve Jobs once told her she “asked the best questions.” She moved into television, first creating, leading a team of 30 journalists, and hosting Financial Times daily business programming for CNBC in Europe and Asia. She was an anchor and host for BBC World, ABC News, and MSNBC and created the BBC’s nightly news magazine USA Direct in New York, growing its audience to 20 million. In 2003, she created the award-winning Capitol News Connection, a news agency covering Congress for 200+ TV and radio stations, newspapers and digital properties. Melinda created the crowd-sourced app Ask Your Lawmaker, which she built to engage more than 3 million people asking questions of their elected representatives in Congress in just 8 months. She also founded NewsiT, a game-changing crowd-collaboration mobile app for people to create and share news around shared interests that Marissa Mayer of Yahoo! described as the “future of news.”