13 Aug August 13, 2018 – Shift Ahead Allen Adamson, Smart Answers to Tough Questions Vicky Oliver and White Houser Don Stinson
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Allen Adamson – Co-Founder at Metaforce.co, Former North American Chairman of Landor, Forbes contributor and Author of Shift Ahead: How the Best Companies Stay Relevant in a Fast-Changing World
Allen Adamson is a noted industry expert in all disciplines of branding. He has worked with a broad spectrum of consumer and corporate businesses in industries ranging from packaged goods and technology to health care and financial services, to hospitality and entertainment. How organizations do – or do not – stay relevant is the subject of Allen’s most recent book, Shift Ahead. Using fascinating first-hand accounts and detailed case studies, Shift Ahead explains how the best organizations recognize when it’s time to change direction, and how they pull it off while bolstering their brands. Following the approach of Allen’s previous books, BrandSimple, BrandDigital, and The Edge:50 Tips from Brands That Lead – which are used in universities across the country – Shift Ahead offers up practical and readily applied lessons. Allen is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Metaforce (www.metaforce.co), a disruptive marketing and product consultancy which, unlike traditional firms, takes a multi-disciplinary channel-agnostic approach to marketing challenges. It was created to help leaders understand all the forces at work inside and outside their businesses in order to identify strategies yielding the highest returns. Once determining the best strategy, Metaforce’s consortium of partners, each industry experts in their fields, pivot to help clients brilliantly act on and execute customer experiences in the market. Metaforce combines the best aspects of brand management, strategy, and experience consultancies to deliver solutions that ensure its clients shift ahead of the dramatic changes in the marketplace in order to meet fast-evolving customer needs.
Vicky Oliver – Career Development Author of 6 Books
Vicky Oliver is an award-winning author of six books on career development. Her savvy career advice has been featured in hundreds of media outlets, including the New York Times Job Market section, the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and Esquire magazine. She has been interviewed on over 600 radio programs. Her first book, 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions, a national bestseller in its third U.S. printing, was translated four times and is sold in twelve countries. It won the 2010 Eric Hoffer Award in Business. Her second book, Power Sales Words: How to Write It, Say It And Sell It With Sizzle, placed in the New England Book Festival. Her third book is titled Bad Bosses, Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots: 201 Smart Ways to Handle the Toughest People Issues
. It won nine awards, including the 2009 National Best Books Award for “Best Business Careers Book,” and placed in the New York, San Francisco, and Hollywood Book Festivals. Her fourth career book, 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions
, was runner-up in the London Book Festival in the How-To category and won four additional awards. Vicky’s newest book is Live Like a Millionaire (Without Having to Be One)
. In 2012, she won the Brown University Alumni Service Award. She is President Emeritus of the Brown University Club in New York and is former Chair of the Communications Committee of the Brown Alumni Association (BAA) Board of Governors and a member of the ACL (Association of Class Leaders) Board of Advisors.
Donald M. Stinson – Author of the Bestselling Memoir Downstairs at the White House
Don Stinson is the author of Downstairs at the White House: The story of a teenager, an Oval Office, and a ringside seat to Watergate, a best-selling memoir about loitering outside of the Oval Office as a 17-year-old clerk during Watergate. The book has been an Amazon Bestseller in the Presidents & Heads of State, Political Humor, and Young Adult Biography categories. Don and his partners also market and merchandise novels by new authors. Their first release, RigorMortie, by Dick and December Bouvier, reached #4 on the Amazon Bestsellers List in Dark Humor behind classics Tobacco Road and Catch-22. Prior to launching a revenue strategy consultancy in 2007, he spent 27 years in the newspaper industry, including 11 as vice president/advertising and senior vice president/marketing of the Newspaper Division of Gannett Co., Inc., responsible for overseeing the advertising and circulation sales, marketing, and research operations of 100 U.S. daily newspapers. He was named Gannett’s advertising executive of the year three times, corporate executive of the year, and received the Newspaper Association of America’s Lifetime Sales and Marketing Leadership Award. In the 1990’s, he traveled to Russia, Poland, and Slovakia on behalf of the International Media Fund and the Freedom Forum to help conduct some of the first programs aimed at building a free press in the former Soviet Union. Don is an honorary member of the Union of Russian Journalists, a Fellow of the Strategic Planning Society, a member of the President’s Society of the Nixon Library Foundation, the President’s Council of the Gerald Ford Foundation, and the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels. He holds a B.A. from American University and credentials from M.I.T., Harvard Business School, and the Project on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.