January 19, 2016 – Shower Secrets from Ron Carson & Websites in 5 Days Chris Martinez

January 19, 2016 – Shower Secrets from Ron Carson & Websites in 5 Days Chris Martinez

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Ron Carson – Founder & CEO at Carson Institutional Alliance and Author of The Sustainable Edge: 15 Minutes a Week to a Richer Entrepreneurial Life

Ron Carson is the founder and CEO of Carson Wealth, one of the largest wealth advisory firms in the country and one of only two independent firms in Barrons Hall of Fame. He also just published his third book, “The Sustainable Edge: 15 Minutes a Week to a Richer Entrepreneurial Life.” In it, he describes that creating a sustainable edge begins with identifying your major passions and priorities, and then building your life around them. He will explain that the sustainable edge not only means creating a business where you can fulfill your passions but it also having time for the three or four other things in life that are most important to youperhaps, family, faith, health, hunting, art, sports, or otherwise. He can help readers and your audience identify their passions and priorities by using exercises and lessons directly from the book. Ron has shared his success principles, as documented in his book, “Tested in the Trenches,” with audiences worldwide. Most recently, Ron coauthored The New York Times best-selling book “Avalanche” and the blueprinting process that goes with it.  Ron is one of the most celebrated and respected financial advisors and executives in the industry.
Ron Carson

Chris Martinez – Co-Founder at Website In 5 Days

Chris Martinez is the CEO of WebsiteIn5Days.com and WebsiteEn5Dias.com. They do free custom websites for small business owners in 5 days or less. Instead of charging $5k-$10k for the website, WebsiteIn5Days.com builds the website for free and then their clients invest in the team of people to help them manage and market their business online for as little as $99/mo. It’s a great solution for solopreneurs because they get a team of people and not just a website. Chris is also the bestselling author of It’s Not Just A Website: The Small Business Owner’s Blueprint for Taking Your Business Online,  and he has been featured on numerous media outlets and radio shows including having had his own radio show on ESPN AM1700 in San Diego. Chris has spoken at places like San Diego State University, Small Business Development Center, Startup Grind San Diego, ANTAD Guadalajara, Tijuana Innovadora, and more. He is also involved in a new project called the Million Dollar Book Club to help people create and generate a million dollars from a book. You can learn more about Chris’s story on his personal website that he uses for media appearances and speaking:  www.therealchrismartinez.com
Chris MartinezChris Martinez

How to start a low risk businessstarting a low risk businessentrepreneurship