December 4, 2013 – Converter Stephanie Frasco Clegg & Blu eCig Jason Healy

December 4, 2013 – Converter Stephanie Frasco Clegg & Blu eCig Jason Healy

Broadcast December 4, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio

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Stephanie Frasco Clegg – VP, Social Media at Convert With Content

Stephanie Clegg has started two successful businesses and tries to jump on opportunities as they come around. Social by nature, Stephanie has an organic approach to Social Media Marketing that allows her thrive. Her first business was, a searchable database for fashion, shopping and celebrity style. Through trial and error with her own websites, Stephanie knows what works. Today, we are excited to talk to Stephanie about one of her clients, EFactor!, her new marriage to past guest Jason Clegg, and their company, Convert with Content.

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Jason Healy – Founder of blu eCigs

We love this story! Jason Healy did not invent electronic cigarettes, but he saw a solution to a problem, and just recently sold his business for $135 million!! blu eCigs founder Jason Healy, now heads the electronic cigarettes business for Lorillard, his purchaser. The idea came to a Chinese pharmacist in 2000, Europe embraced the product in 2006, and US consumers took their first vaporized drag a year later. Celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen, and Carrie Fisher have been spotted vaping away. Jason tells us the whole, amazing story! Congrats on the sale!

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