26 Aug August 26, 2022 – School of Thought Tom Geary, BigFuture Vincent Alvarez and PETA’s Daniel Paden
Tom Geary – Founder and Executive Creative Director at School of Thought – The Importance of Storytelling
In marketing, the notion of caring is critical. That is the
difference between effective communications and not. If you
want to get to the brain, you have to go through the heart.

Tom Geary
Tom Geary is the Founder and Creative Director at School of Thought, a fresh and innovative creative agency based in the San Francisco Bay area. With decades of experience in the industry, Tom has become a Thought Leader on topics related to the world of branding, strategy, media and content creation. He has positioned his agency as a leader in sustainability and social responsibility, creating high-impact campaigns for huge names including Cisco WebEx, Ebay, Bing and Red Bull. Tom Geary’s philosophy is based on “Making Them Care” – the guiding principle driving School of Thought’s compassionate, socially-conscious and relatable campaigns that create meaningful connections between brands and consumers. His light-hearted and humorous approach to some of the biggest issues impacting the industry and world today make him a perfect guest on podcasts with audiences interested in creative innovations, industry insights and branding strategy advice.
Vincent Alvarez – Associate Director of BigFuture Student Engagement
We have a database with over $4 billion of scholarships
that college students can explore and get.

Vincent Alvarez
As Associate Director of BigFuture Student Engagement, Vincent manages the BigFuture Ambassador program, a nationwide program that mobilizes student leaders to spread college and career planning awareness at their school. Prior to working at the College Board, Vincent was a high school counselor in Chicago where he worked with high school students and families to demystify the postsecondary planning process. Vincent was a Teach for America corps member who began his education career as an 8th grade bilingual literacy teacher after graduating from college. As the youngest of five children, and the first to attend college, he has dedicated himself to working with communities like his, to advocate for higher education and guide families through the very complex college application process. A native of the Bay Area in California, Vincent is a proud graduate of the University of Southern California (USC). He is excited to use his experience as a college counselor to guide students nationwide to take advantage of the college and career planning resources that BigFuture offers.
Daniel Paden – Vice President of evidence analysis at PETA
In the United States, 65,000 dogs, mostly beagles, are kept
in labs and are experimented on.

Daniel Paden
Daniel Paden is the vice president of evidence analysis for the investigative division of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). He works closely with PETA’s undercover investigators to document the conditions and treatment of animals in slaughterhouses, on factory farms, in circuses, in laboratories, and in the pet trade industry. His work has led to the rescue of thousands of animals as well as the first-ever felony cruelty charges for the mistreatment of animals in a U.S. laboratory and the abuse of factory-farmed birds, in addition to the world’s first-ever cruelty charges and convictions of wool-industry workers for abusing sheep, among other landmark cases.